United States and Canadian Sleep Certification Program



Toddler Sleep Training: 12-24 Months

Voice Over  0:01 You’re listening to the slumber party podcast with your host Amanda Jewson, a mom of two girls, a child and infant sleep expert and general sleep lover. If you’re a tired parent who is desperate for answers, or just someone who loves sleep, this podcast was created just for you. Each episode…

Toddler Sleep Training: 2-5 Years

Voice Over  0:01 You’re listening to the slumber party podcast with your host Amanda Jewson, a mom of two girls, a child and infant sleep expert and general sleep lover. If you’re a tired parent who is desperate for answers, or just someone who loves sleep, this podcast was created just for you. Each episode…

I'm Obsessed with my Baby's Sleep- HELP!

Voice Over  0:01 You’re listening to the slumber party podcast with your host Amanda Jewson, a mom of two girls, a child and infant sleep expert and general sleep lover. If you’re a tired parent who is desperate for answers, or just someone who loves sleep, this podcast was created just for you. Each episode…

The BBS Consultants Chat: Help To Sleep

Voice Over  0:01You’re listening to the slumber party podcast with your host Amanda Jewson, a mom of two girls, a child and infant sleep expert and general sleep lover. If you’re a tired parent who is desperate for answers, or just someone who loves sleep, this podcast was created just for you. Each episode is…

Getting your new career started as a BBS Certified Sleep Consultant has never been easier. We've developed a new self-paced model to empower you to take control of your journey to certification.